The widespread of the digital economy has strengthen the debate on the need to tax the digital sector through a new model able to respond to the challenges of a fluid economy characterized by a variety of business models and the absence of borders, producing wealth globally by the companies that operate on the web.

Some countries, including Italy, have promoted unilateral initiatives which have highlighted the complexity of the topic by underlining the limits of traditional tax systems, in particular for companies that operate through the web.

The event will be an opportunity to discuss on the developments of the OECD negotiations and the presentation of the European Commission proposal. We will reflect on the taxation models adopted by the member states (Italy, Spain and France) and the possible developments of a taxation that must guarantee equity and geopolitical balances.



  • Welcome Speech
    Roberto Liscia, President of Netcomm
  • Presentation of the position of Ecommerce Europe
    Maike Jansen, Public Affairs Advisor, Ecommerce Europe
  • Tax Experts Roundtable
    Paolo Ruggiero, LED Taxand (Taxand Italy)
    Frederic Teper, Arsene (Taxand France)
    Luis Manuel Viñuales, Garrigues (Taxand Spain)
  • Industry Roundtable
    Diego Ciulli, Public Policy, Google Italia
    Laura Greco, Head of Tax, Vodafone
  • Conclusive Thoughts and Future Perspectives
    Fabrizia Lapecorella, Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • Wrap up by the moderator
    Moderator: Nina Trentmann, Bureau Chief CFO Journal, The Wall Street Journal

The Videoconference will be held in English



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